Hello There !
I am currently a Post-Doctoral researcher in the Explainable Machine Learning group at TUM and Helmholtz Munich, led by Prof. Zeynep Akata. I was previously a post-doctoral researcher at Telecom Paris, in the LTCI, under the supervision of Florence d’Alché-Buc and Pavlo Mozharovskyi.
I got my PhD from Université Jean-Monnet Saint-Étienne, conjointly in the Vision and Learning Lab for Scene Analysis at CEA LIST and Data Intelligence research group in Hubert Curien Laboratory, under the supervision of Amaury Habrard.
My current research topic focus on Uncertainty and Explainability in Deep Learning models. The topic of my PhD was on Few-shot Learning and Meta-Learning more specifically applied to Object Detection and Image Segmentation. More generally, I’m interested in Deep Representation Learning applied in Computer Vision.
As a Master student, I worked on Adversarial attacks and defenses applied to Person Re-Identification using Deep Metric Learning, but also Image Classification.
I graduated from CentraleSupélec majoring in Robotics and AI. Additionally, I earned a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Université de Lorraine with a major in Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Robotics.
On a more personal note, I come from Tahiti, French Polynesia. It will always be my home island, even if I don’t live there anymore.